Jialiang Zhang | 张家梁

I am a third-year undergraduate student in the Turing Class at the School of EECS, Peking University. My research advisor at Peking University is Professor He Wang.

Currently, I am a visiting scholar at Stanford University through the UGVR program, where I am advised by Professor Leonidas J. Guibas.

I am interested in Embodied AI, Robotics, and 3D Computer Vision.

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DexGraspNet 2.0: Learning Generative Dexterous Grasping in Large-scale Synthetic Cluttered Scenes

Jialiang Zhang*, Haoran Liu*, Danshi Li*, Xinqiang Yu*, Haoran Geng, Yufei Ding, Jiayi Chen, He Wang
CoRL 2024

We synthesized a large-scale dexterous grasping dataset in cluttered scenes and designed a generative framework to learn grasping in the real world.

Task-Oriented Dexterous Grasp Synthesis via Differentiable Grasp Wrench Boundary Estimator

Jiayi Chen*, Yuxing Chen*, Jialiang Zhang, He Wang
ArXiv / Project Page / Bibtex
IROS 2024

We propose a differentiable grasp wrench boundary estimator to synthesize task-oriented dexterous grasps.

UniDexGrasp: Universal Robotic Dexterous Grasping via Learning Diverse Proposal Generation and Goal-Conditioned Policy

Yinzhen Xu*, Weikang Wan*, Jialiang Zhang*, Haoran Liu*, Zikang Shan, Hao Shen, Ruicheng Wang, Haoran Geng, Yijia Weng, Jiayi Chen, Tengyu Liu, Li Yi, He Wang
ArXiv / Project Page / Code / CVPR Page / Bibtex
CVPR 2023

We tackle the problem of learning universal robotic dexterous grasping from a point cloud observation under a table-top setting.

DexGraspNet: A Large-Scale Robotic Dexterous Grasp Dataset for General Objects Based on Simulation

Ruicheng Wang*, Jialiang Zhang*, Jiayi Chen, Yinzhen Xu, Puhao Li, Tengyu Liu, He Wang
ArXiv / Project Page / Code / Bibtex
ICRA 2023, Outstanding Manipulation Paper Finalist

We synthesized a large-scale robotic dexterous grasping dataset with our proposed optimization-based grasp synthesis method.


  • 2023: SenseTime Scholarship

  • 2023: ICRA 2023 Outstanding Manipulation Paper Finalist
  • 2022: National Scholarship

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    © 2024 Jialiang Zhang